Grant Program
The objective of our Grant Program is to provide local, South Carolina-based organizations in need of monetary support an opportunity to receive funding in order to execute projects that fit within Dabo's All In Team Foundation's mission statement: to raise awareness of critical education and health issues in order to change lives of people across the state of South Carolina.
About Our Grant Program...
There are a number of organizations in our community, and across the state, that share our same beliefs concerning critical education and health issues. Many of these organizations have outstanding ideas and concepts on how to be a part of the solution, but are lacking the opportunity and funding to do so. The grant program was set up to give these organizations an opportunity to continue to positively impact our community.
In 2012, Dabo's All In Team Foundation's Board of Directors established a committee to develop and manage our Grant Program. Organizations may apply for a maximum award of $10,000 in funding on a single or multi-year basis. Please note that you are not guaranteed the full amount you are requesting and if you apply for multi-year funding, you are not guaranteed to receive it. The committee often grants partial funding in order to spread the available monies across as many applicants as possible.
How To Apply...
If you believe that your organization aligns with Dabo's All In Team Foundation's mission, we invite you to submit a request for funding. Grant requests will be accepted each year between June 1st and September 1st. You will be notified of the status of your request between late October and mid-November. Please be advised that requests for funding for individuals (i.e. gofundme campaigns) or to cover administrative overhead, including salaries and wages, are discouraged and evaluated on a case by case basis. Additionally, any requests for capital campaigns are not being considered for grant awards at this time.
We do not have a formal "application" that we require organizations to complete, as we know each organization is unique; however, each request must be submitted in the form of a PDF or Word document and include a cover page with their application that clearly states the following information:
- Name of the project and/or organization who would receive funding (if selected)
- Mailing address for the organization
- Contact person(s) information (name, email address, phone number, etc.)
- The amount of funding you are requesting.
Here are some additional suggested guidelines for information we look for in a grant request**:
- Scope of project
- Overall cost and schedule of the project
- Expected outcomes
- Project/program budgets (if applicable)
**Since Coach Swinney is a college football coach, it is important to note that there are certain NCAA rules and regulations surrounding projects and groups that we can and cannot consider for funding. Specifically, the Foundation is unable to consider requests relating to projects that would solely benefit "prospect aged" individuals. In the sport of football, the NCAA defines prospect aged individuals as anyone who has started the 9th grade regardless of gender, whether or not they play sports, or if they play a sport other than football. We appreciate your assistance in ensuring that Coach Swinney and Dabo's All In Team Foundation remain compliant with NCAA rules. If you have any questions about whether or not your request falls under this restriction, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our goal each year is to give as much as we can to our Grant Program. With the exception of our 4 main focus areas, the Grant Program receives just about all of the money we distribute each year. In 2024, we donated over $1.2M to upwards of 270 different organizations through our grant program.
To date, Dabo's All In Team Foundation has distributed over 1650 grant awards totaling more than $8.5M.
Requests, Submissions, and Inquiries...
Requests, submissions, and inquiries should be directed to Lexie Vick ( While emailing a PDF or Word document is the preferred method of submission, should you choose to mail in your documents, you may send them to the following address:
Dabo's All In TeamĀ® Foundation
Attn: Lexie Vick
P.O. 1585
Clemson, SC 29633