ClemsonLIFE Program
The Swinney's Connection...
Coach Swinney and his family owe quite a bit of gratitude to former University of Alabama head coach, Gene Stallings. Coach Stallings was Coach Swinney's head coach when he played at Alabama and offered him his first college coaching job after he graduated. Most importantly, the manner in which Coach Stallings handled the life experiences of coaching and raising a family, has had the greatest impact on the Swinney's. Coach Swinney says that the biggest lesson he learned from Coach Stallings was that "you don't have to sacrifice your family in order to be a good coach." In addition to being touched by Coach Stallings, Coach Swinney and Kathleen were also touched by Gene’s son, John Mark Stallings, who was born with Down syndrome. In honor of John Mark, Dabo's All In Team Foundation supports Clemson University's ClemsonLIFE Program.
About the Program...
The ClemsonLIFE program at Clemson University is designed for students with intellectual disabilities who desire a postsecondary experience on a college campus. The mission of the ClemsonLIFE Program is to provide a coordinated course of study that includes career exploration and preparation along with self-awareness, discovery, and personal improvement through a framework of courses, job internships, and community participation.
The ClemsonLIFE Program offers a 2-year Basic Program that incorporates functional academics, independent living, employment, social/leisure skills, and health/wellness skills in a public university setting with the goal of producing self-sufficient young adults. Additionally, the ClemsonLIFE Program offers a 2-year Advanced Program for students that have demonstrated the ability to safely live independently, sustain employment, and socially integrate during the Basic Program. The Advanced Program progresses with an emphasis on workplace experience, community integration, and independent living with transitionally reduced supports. Students who successfully complete the Basic or Advanced program will receive a corresponding certificate of postsecondary education. Currently, there are 40 students participating in the ClemsonLIFE Program.
Funds will come from Foundation activities, fundraisers, and donations received throughout the year. To date, the Foundation has donated over $500,000 to the ClemsonLIFE Program.